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October Bag Lunches and Breakfast Items for the Homeless

Friday, October 21, 16 9:15-9:45 am, TBS Front Parking Lot

Register here to donate to the food collection.

We are back for our 3rd year of this popular and impactful mitzvah project! Please join TBS Social Action as we donate bag lunches and breakfast foods to homeless shelters, in the Father Bill's network, in the Brockton area on Friday, October 21!

Volunteers are invited to sign-up to assemble 10 bag lunches, cases of waters, condiments, juice boxes, and a variety of breakfast items including muffins, bagels, ground coffee, cereal, yogurts and fruit cups.

We will collect your donations from your car, while you remain seated, beginning on Friday, October 21, between 9:15-9:45am on the Webster side of the TBS front Parking Lot.

Please email us at with any questions, to arrange to make your non-perishable donation at a Needham address prior to the collection or to request to be added to the TBS Social Action mailing list.

Thank you for helping us to feed the stranger.


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