At the Intersection of Spirituality and Mental Health
Monday, October 4, 7:30 pm
Register here.
Mark your calendar and register now for this stimulating virtual presentation which will examine the connection between spirituality and mental health, and how our understanding of each affects us and our loved ones. Both research and clinical experience have demonstrated the positive impact of understanding this relationship. Join us for this interactive workshop in which we'll explore how spiritual reframing and Jewish texts can guide our mental health journeys as individuals and as a synagogue community.
Our presenter is Hadassah Margolis, MSW, LICSW, a clinical social worker who is Lead Therapist at McLean’s Spirituality and Mental Health Department. Research and clinical experience make an impressive case for the positive impact of spirituality, however you experience it, on mental health and wellness.
Co-sponsored by the Inclusion Task Force and the Adult Learning Committee