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Chanukah begins December 10

This year at TBS we are celebrating Chanukah in many new and exciting ways – both leading up to the holiday and every night of Chanukah! You’ll find opportunities to take classes that will enrich you spiritually, to engage with social action, and to connect socially. Please check back for updates!

Pre-Holiday Events:

Chanukah Gift Making

Tuesday, December 1, ​5-5:30PM

(in person)

Do you want to surprise someone this Chanukah? Come make a cozy heart-shaped pillow for someone you love. Use fleece fabric and a fringe-tie method for this fun project. Plan to stay in your car while you work.

Geared towards kids of all ages. Younger children will need adult help with the project.

Register here. ​Rain cancels.

The Great Dreidel Hunt

Sunday, December 6, ​10:30AM-12PM

(in person)

How many dreidels can you find? Hunt for 1,000+ colorful dreidels hidden all around the field. Find the golden dreidel to win a piece of gelt! This is sure to be a memory-making morning! Dress warmly and bring the entire family for a 15-minute hunting time.

Register here. Rain cancels.

During Chanukah:

1st Night: Chanukah Concert & Candle Lighting with Josh Shriber

Thursday, December 10​, ​5-5:30PM

(in person)

Light candles and be treated to an in-car Chanukah concert with Josh Shriber! Stay in your car as we light the Chanukah candles on the grand menorah on the Temple's roof. Hot chocolate and dreidels provided!

Designed especially for families with children ages 0-7.

​Register here. Rain cancels.

2nd Night: Shabbat Services & more

Friday, December 11


5:30 PM #sharethelight Chanukah Candle Lighting before services on Zoom

6:15 PM Chanukah-themed Shabbat services on Vimeo

3rd Night: Chanukah Stories & Candle Lighting with Big Joe

Saturday, December 12, 6-6:30 PM


Hailed as “One of the best in the business” by the Boston Globe, Big Joe delights children with a huge collection of original and classic tales as well as a box filled with puppets, props, and surprises. Big Joe is ready to delight us with a night of Chanukah storytelling! Bring your menorah so we can light candles together before we begin the stories.

Geared towards families with children ages 1-7. Register here.

3rd Night: Havdallah & Chanukah Foods from Around the World

Saturday, December 12, 7:00 PM


Havdallah and Candle Lighting with Rabbi Jay followed by…

“Around the World in Eight Days: Chanukah Foods You’ve Never Heard Of” presented by Three Score More or Less, open to the entire TBS community.

Register here; download the recipes being shared here.

5th Night: Car Gathering & Gifts for Children in Need

Monday, December 14, 5:00-5:20 PM or 5:40-6:00 PM

(in person) Give one night of Chanukah gifts to a child in need. We have partnered with Birthday Wishes, an amazing organization that is dedicated to bringing birthday parties to homeless children. Choose a gift from this link. Do not wrap, and bring it along with you! Stay in your car as we light the Chanukah candles as a community. Hot chocolate and dreidels provided! Choose 5:00-5:20 pm or 5:40-6:00 pm.

Register here. Rain cancels.

6th Night: Candle Lighting & Chanukah Storytelling with Patrick Cahn

Tuesday, December 15, 6:00 PM


Bring your menorah so we can light candles together! Then, as they burn, enjoy Chanukah stories told by our favorite storyteller, Patrick Cahn. Geared towards families with children ages 1-7.

Register here.

6th Night: Etzim In-Person Chanukah Celebration

Tuesday, December 15, 6:15-6:45 PM

(in person)

Celebrate the 6th Night of Chanukah with Etzim! Join us for Candle lighting, Chanukah activities, and hot chocolate in the TBS Parking Lot. Registration required, open to all 8th-12th graders at TBS. Contact Julia with any questions.

8th Night - Last Night Candle Lighting!

Thursday, December 17

5:30 PM

(in person)

6:30 PM


On the last night of Chanukah, we will have two special candle lighting options: in the TBS parking lot at 5:30 pm, and another held virtually at 6:30 pm. Registration and Zoom information to come.

We look forward to spending Chanukah with you!


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